SUPARCO Internship Program 2022– New Internships In Pakistan Apply Online

SUPARCO Internship Program-Suparco temporary position program 2022 has been reported and applications are welcomed from Pakistan public male and females having new alumni’s certificate might get advantage from this open door. The temporary job opportunity accessible in science and innovation field. Those understudies are searching for temporary job a potential open door in government area so they likewise apply pm youth entry level position program which is completely paid for the time of one year.

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Notwithstanding, suparco temporary job offers involved insight and comprehend mechanical and authoritative work by means of position on testing tasks under the consistent oversight of senior architects/researchers. Internee will learn with proficient group guides in the fields of room science, designing, and innovation.

The span of this Temporary job program will be 4-5 weeks those understudies holding a four year college education can apply for this entry level position program structure across country Don’t stand by in the event that You are diligent and enthusiastic about working in Space and Innovation, what are you sitting tight for? Complete subtleties of temporary job program qualification models and documented to apply and application process and suparco occupations subtleties given at this page.

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SUPARCO Internship Program 2022 Details

Hiring OrganizationSuparco
Place of PostingKarachi,Islamabad and Others
QualificationGraduates in any field
Age LimitNot more then 25 Years
Employment TypeFull Time
Job CategoryInternships
Monthly StipendRs: 20,000
Total Seats100
SUPARCO Internship Program

What is SUPARCO?

Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO), the national space agency, was established in 1961 as a Committee and was granted the status of a Commission in 1981. SUPARCO is mandated to conduct R&D in space science, space technology, and their peaceful applications in the country.

Where is SUPARCO located in Pakistan?

Its headquarter is located at Islamabad and technical facilities are spread over Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Quetta, Peshawar and Gilgit. It has state-of-the-art research, development and manufacturing facilities of satellite manufacturing, space sciences, technology and applications.

Which is best ISRO or SUPARCO?

ISRO has already launched missions to the moon and mars, while SUPARCO has almost become redundant. The starting years of the SUPARCO were full of hope and determination.

What is the success rate of ISRO?

What has been the success rate of these missions ? A total number of 38 soft landing attempts have been made, so far. The success rate is 52%

What are the basic objectives of suparco?

Established in 1961, SUPARCO is mandated to carry out advance research and development in space science and allied fields, to enhance indigenous capabilities in space technology and to promote the peaceful applications of space science and technology for the socio-economic development and national security of the 

Eligibility Criteria For SUPARCO Internship Program 2022

  1. Understudies from everywhere Pakistan can apply for this Entry level position.
  2. Applicants should have an amazing scholastic record.
  3. Understudies in the last semester can likewise apply for the temporary position program.
  4. The application interaction is on the web.
  5. Both make and females can apply

Fields & Majors Available in Suparco Internship 2022

Following fields and majors are announced in SUPARCO Internship:

Available in Islamabad:

  1. Space science
  2. Environmental science
  3. Remote sensing and GIS
  4. Hydrology
  5. Agriculture
  6. Mathematics
  7. Statistics

Available in Karachi:

  1. Space science
  2. Mechanical
  3. Software engineering
  4. Remote sensing and GIS
  5. Physics
  6. Aerospace
  7. Electronics
  8. Computer science
  9. Geography
  10. Manufacturing
  11. Computer systems
  12. Communication
  13. Environmental science

Available in Peshawar:

  1. Geomatics
  2. Geography
  3. Environmental science
  4. Geology

How to Apply SUPARCO Internship Program?

  1. Those student who fulfil all internship requirement and ready to apply can submit online application by clicking here: Suparco Internship
  2. The last date to apply for the SUPARCO Internship 2022 is 14.February,2023; All students must apply before the due date.

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